• Sleep Like A MTHFR

    Sleep Like A MTHFR

    Serotonin is a neurochemical that promotes a calm, contented mood. Toward evening, our serotonin supply converts into melatonin to help us wind down and sleep. So if you…

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  • Yuka: My Favorite Grocery Buddy

    Yuka: My Favorite Grocery Buddy

    Yuka is an independent health app built to analyze ingredients in grocery, hygiene, and cosmetic products. It’s been my favorite grocery buddy since 2022, helping me select the…

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  • Helpful MTHFR Podcast Episodes

    Helpful MTHFR Podcast Episodes

    Podcasts are an inexpensive, easy, effective way to listen to discussions with top researchers, practitioners, and pundits – as well as others in your health shoes – with…

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  • What is Folate B9? A Guide for MTHFRs

    What is Folate B9? A Guide for MTHFRs

    If you have a MTHFR mutation, you know folate: vitamin B9. Defining it as such doesn’t necessarily end the discussion, though. Folic acid is also commonly referred to…

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  • Common MTHFR Mutations: A1298C & C677T

    Common MTHFR Mutations: A1298C & C677T

    When the DNA code that makes up a gene has a discrepancy, it’s called a polymorphism. In the case of MTHFR, that can happen pretty often. Experts don’t…

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  • MTHFR Explained For Dummies

    MTHFR Explained For Dummies

    Let’s get this straight: you’re not a dummy if you want a straightforward answer about something like MTHFR that has the potential to affect your life and health.…

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