For as long as I can remember depression was an ever-present companion of mine, like a stifling, itchy coat I never could shed. By age 16, I earned a diagnosis: major depressive disorder. By age 17, I had my very own doctor’s note for little yellow pills.
[Please, hold your applause. I do have a point.]
Before handing antidepressants to a teenager, the doctor first ran a genetic test to determine possible drug reactivity. This report would prove useful in my future as it very clearly pointed out my T/T allele—my homozygous C677T MTHFR SNP.
Of course, that didn’t mean a thing to me at the time.
However, my mother, in her infinite wisdom (or maternal hoarder inclination) kept that piece of paper.
(The gorgeous man in this photo is Kevin. If you read my blog, sooner or later you’ll meet Kevin. We love Kevin.)
As a writer with a proclivity to obsess over my interests, MTHFR joined the litany a few years ago when I became extremely ill.
Between a few different doctors, many bodily fluid samples, a terrifying ER visit, and a joint colonoscopy-endoscopy fiasco, there were no diagnoses, no results, and completely frankly, no f*cks given. Every day yielded a new medical bill with nothing to show for it.
Suffice it to say that for a few solid years, I would not once have described myself as—and excuse my language here—a ‘happy camper’.
Discovering the MTHFR gene SNP on my genetic report wasn’t what changed my life. What it did was give me a shot to take in total darkness. In doing so, I stumbled toward a way of living that changed everything for me.
Today, I put the support of my MTHFR mutation at the center of my lifestyle. In doing so, I’m climbing toward new heights of health, joy, and purpose.
With this blog, I hope to share the things that help me and give the MTHFR community a platform through which to connect, teach, and inspire one another.
This is My MTHFR Lifestyle. It can be yours, too.